Campaign Gist: Wolves, real and metaphorical

Day 8 of the Campaign and nothing much of note happened.
Taoiseach wears brown, leaves town
Completely unrelated to the MRBI polls showing FG support crumbling in Munster, the Taoiseach took his FG roadshow to Mallow in Co. Cork, to be seen meeting “country people” and perhaps, to learn of their ways. He wore brown, to show his respect for their mud-based culture and bought sausages to prove he wasn’t vegan (regretfully, he didn’t attempt to hammer the point home by snacking on the raw sausages as he walked around. Maybe by next week’s poll.)
Wolves, Wolves, WOLVES!
The Social Democrats had a bit of a moment, with co-leader Róisín Shortall setting out their health plan, backed by all the parties in a committee she chaired.
Meanwhile, the party’s Wicklow candidate, Jennifer Whitmore launched their biodiversity policy and it was good. Proper thoughts on land use and paying to use land as a carbon sink through rewilding. However, from my very selfish point of view, the most important point was the part of the plan to reintroduce native species made extinct by humans.
That’s right, #WolvesNow is back, Back BACK after Eamon Ryan backed away for being laughed at.
As the only suitable national park (in terms of size and nature) is Killarney National Park, there is a non-negligible chance of witnessing a Wolf v Healy-Ray face off in the future. Who wouldn’t want to see that?

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