The Gist: Banks Stressed, Trump vs Bereaved, Chuteless

Banks Stressed
The two main Irish banks hovered in the bottom of the EU's league table after the continent-wide stress tests that see what would happen in the event of a financial crisis. Basically, this means they were some of the most likely banks to go bust in the event of a problem. Still.
The banks issued statements pointing out that there was no problem, and therefore no need to worry. Which rather misses the point of the exercise.
Trump vs Bereaved
Trump's mind-parp arising from the Democratic Convention was to draw attention to the strongest element of that convention (a speech by the muslim parents of a deceased US army captain). He drew attention to the parents by repeatedly smearing them- first suggesting that the dead solider's mother was silenced because of her religion. In response, she wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post, calling him ignorant. Then Trump complained that the dead man's father had no right to stand up and criticise him. Then he justified all of this attack on the parents of a dead war hero by complaining that the other guy started it, demonstrating again by falling back on the 'he started it' argument that he was basically an overgrown spoiled child.
So this guy jumped out of an aeroplane and he didn't have a parachute and he managed (just about) to land in a net instead. If you haven't seen this video, go and get it and watch it, from behind your fingers if needs be.