The Gist: A Man For All Seasons
The Rishi Sunak regenerations continued this week, with a piece of stunt casting and a crossover Two PMs special. This is the Gist.
The Rishi Sunak regenerations continued this week, with a piece of stunt casting and a crossover Two PMs special. This is the Gist.
The UK Covid Inquiry has revealed a nation governed by a group of people you wouldn’t leave in charge of a pet rock. This is the Gist.
The US Republican Party has moved so far down the list of groups to hate it has finally reached “Republicans.” This is the Gist.
Joe Biden's visit to Ireland provoked an unexpectedly seething envy from our neighbours to the East.
It takes a special kind of courage to decide to make people homeless, when you could just choose not to do that. This is the Gist.
"In a sort of DUP equivalent of the marshmallow test for toddlers, they proved unable to postpone saying No." This is the Gist.
From posters to tanks, Tories and tax to the price of a name. This is the Gist.
Why have so many political results ended up as nearly 50:50 splits in recent years?
Liz Truss has resigned. She'll be replaced by next week. Why is Boris Johnson still in the running to resume his old job? This is the Gist.
The Tory party is crumpling in on itself and its new leader like an imploding eclair. This is the Gist.
With the Queen's death, Britain has a chance to move on from its Imperial past. This is the Gist.
The Tories were revolting and Irish planning legislation was bolting. This is the Gist.